Your Links

Traffic Link
If email traffic is sent to a domain not listed as email, your account will be shut down.
This is a zero tolerance policy.
Unsubscribe Link{email}
&cid=var1|var2|var3 is a group of three variables seperated by a pipe '|'.
You can order these in any manner your system needs. For more details look at the My Account page.

Today's Estimated


Adjustment Variables

Variable Change
&fid=99 use the defined funnel instead of the default one.
&nofade=1 Turns off the fading grey effect and turns off hidden content.
&nopop=0 Turns off the exit pop.
&presell=0 Skips the presell and goes straight to VSL.
&presell=07 Go to presell 07 instead of the default one.

Today's Sales

OrderId Date Brand CampaignId Ip Payout

Today's Refunds

OrderId Date Brand CampaignId Ip Payout
